Published Aug 28, 2024
Charlie Pickard: "Endless opportunities to get better"
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Scott Reed  •  DuckSportsAuthority

Charlie Pickard: Embracing Tradition and Making His Mark at Oregon

For Charlie Pickard, the past two weeks have been a whirlwind of recognition and validation. The hard work he’s put in, often away from the spotlight, is finally paying off.

“All the work that's been in the dark is coming to light now,” Pickard said. “It's just really good having a whole supporting cast and a whole group and the whole team around me just knowing what I've been doing. And now I can, you know, put it on show.”

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Pickard's decision to attend Oregon was rooted in tradition and family ties. "My dad went to school here. That's basically the number one reason I came here is to kind of represent him, our family, everything like that," he shared. The influence of former Ducks like Ryan Walk, Shane Lemieux, Jake Hanson, and Calvin Throckmorton also played a pivotal role in his decision. “Understanding the tradition of everything that goes on here... that's something that I grew up with in high school. It's something I wanted to keep going on in college. I feel like this is the perfect place to do that.”

Despite his success, Pickard remains motivated by more than just external factors. "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't [motivated by others ranked ahead], but it's definitely not the highest motivating factor at all," he said. "The biggest motivation I have is within myself to be the best version of myself I can be."

Transitioning from high school to college, especially learning a new position like center, is no easy task. However, Pickard has had some of the best mentors. "Learning from Alex Forsyth and Ryan Walk... those are the two greatest guys I've ever been around,” he said. “There are endless possibilities here to get better, whatever you want to get better at.”

Pickard's connection to the program runs deep, having attended pivotal games like the 2010 BCS National Championship and the Fiesta Bowl against Kansas State with his father. “It's very, very important to me. Like I said, it's the tradition. I'm able to represent what I grew up with and how important it was through my play here and just how I handle myself. It's pretty awesome."

One of the key figures in Pickard's journey is his teammate Poncho, who he describes as “a kid at heart, but... the most physical guy on the field at all times. He wants to win no matter what.”

Off the field, Pickard has a unique approach to preparation. “In my room, like literally setting up like this and mirroring like I'm gonna be at practice, taking reps like I'm gonna be at practice, looking at the script, things like that,” he explained. “Whenever we have off time, like on the weekend or anything, going to a park or going to that soccer field by Hayward Stadium... just going there by myself and just mirroring what it's going to look like at practice so I can know what it's going to look like at a game.”

As the season progresses, Pickard remains in close contact with former Ducks, including Forsyth and Walk. “I've been talking to Alex and Jackson a lot, and they've always had my back. I'm always going to have theirs.”

Walking into Autzen Stadium is a moment Pickard doesn't take lightly. "It's just time outside the facility and outside of practice. I'm putting myself in that spot, so I already know what it's going to look like. I've been in high-intensity situations before."

For Pickard, the belief in his abilities has been unwavering since the day he committed to Oregon. “Having that self-belief in myself, knowing that I can really do anything. I have my family behind my back. I have these players here. The sky's the limit for anything anybody wants to do in this building.”

Having someone like Ryan Walk, who has walked the same path, on staff is invaluable to Pickard. “It's like he's back as a player. I'm really glad I'm able to talk with him one-on-one about what this is going to look like, what it has looked like, because he's gone through the same exact situation I have, and even more... Even on a higher scale.”

As for the advice that Walk has imparted to Pickard: “Trust your training, be yourself, whatever you put on film and what you've been these last nine months is who you are. Trust in that and realize everything you do has a purpose.”

With a deep connection to Oregon’s tradition, and the unwavering support of his mentors, Pickard is poised to make a significant impact for the Ducks this season.
