Published Dec 25, 2016
Fla. DT Jordon Scott talks decision to commit to Ducks
Russell Johnson  •  DuckSportsAuthority
Staff Writer

As Christmas nears an end, it has been an eventful day to say the least for 3-star Pinellas Park (Fla.) DT Jordon Scott. After receiving an offer several days ago from the Ducks, Scott announced that he was committing to Oregon.

Scott chose the Ducks over the likes of Florida State, Ole Miss, Louisville, and Florida (where he was previously committed) to name a few.

Scott is extremely excited to play for Coach Taggart, and Coach Leavitt, both who he had previous relationships with before they came to Eugene earlier this month.

Aside from the coaching staff, Scott said two other things really stood out that led him to commit on Christmas, which also happens to be his birthday.

"Academics were a major key for me, for sure. Also, it is special to be able to be a part of this new era of Oregon football and to be a building block on Coach Leavitt's defense." Scott also said that while the distance is definitely there between Florida and Eugene, that his family knows he is always just one plane ride away.

Scott is the second commit for Taggart and the rest of the staff in the state of Florida, and the Ducks are far from done in the Sunshine State.

"The Oregon to Florida pipeline is going to happen, and it is going to happen fast." Scott said about whether he thinks himself and recent commit Darrian McNeal were going to be the only ones. "I will put work in on every recruit in the state of Florida with good highlights" Scott said about him now becoming a recruiter with his recruitment over.

Scott will be an early-enrollee, and is the 13th commit for the Class of 2017.