ago football Edit

Jayden Limar: Just trying to make the most of his opportunities

As Jayden Limar and his team navigate a new conference, the running back remains unfazed by any changes in preparation. “I wouldn’t say it’s been different,” Limar explained. “We prepare every week like it’s the biggest opponent we’re ever going to play. It’s the first time we really get to travel, though, and that’s the only big difference. But it’s been about the same for us.”

Limar's performance on the field is starting to speak for itself, as highlighted by his key touchdown against Oregon State. “It felt good,” Limar said. “The O-line was out there, and they took off. It made my job pretty easy.” Despite the attention the play garnered, Limar emphasized that his role on the team is built in practice. “Everything I showed them in practice, they know when they put me out there in the game, that’s what they’re going to get,” he said. “That’s why I get those opportunities like that, and I just want to keep trying to make the most of them.”

Off the field, Limar is focused on special teams, a role he takes seriously. “It’s been amazing,” he shared. “Last year, my goal was to be back there, and going into fall camp, I was able to earn that spot. I take special teams extremely seriously, and that’s one place I’ve definitely honed in on.” Limar also acknowledged the often overlooked importance of special teams, stating, “People don’t really think about it, but there’s a lot of jobs given out just because of special teams. That could be a big difference maker in games, as we’ve seen, and it’s something I always take pride in.”

Reflecting on the team's running game success against Oregon State, Limar credited increased communication with the offensive line. “Once we got with the O-line during the week and started knowing exactly where they wanted to go, we knew how to set the blocks up better,” he said. “Having extra meetings with them and talking through these blocking schemes helped. Once you can establish early, it kind of flows throughout the rest of the game.”

Limar also emphasized the importance of patience in the run game. “If you watch any good running back, it feels like they’re going slow almost until they take off,” he explained. “That’s something our coach has been honest with us about non-stop — being very patient. When we see it, take it, but not to force anything.”

Regarding the additional meetings with the offensive line, Limar noted they were largely player-led. “It’s a mixture of both,” Limar said. “We had a little bit with coaches, but for the most part, it’s player-led. The O-line, the centers, and all them, the quarterbacks are in there as well, just so they know everything that’s going on as far as pass pro and all that.”

Even during the bye week, Limar and his teammates didn't take it easy. “We don’t really feel like it was much of a bye. We worked all week,” he said. “Our pace was the big thing we were able to work on, and we were just able to fix a lot of the little things that we needed to work on.”

As for his goals this season, Limar remains focused on maximizing every opportunity. “Really just make the most of every opportunity I’m getting,” he stated. “We have a very stacked room and a lot of good backs, so whatever opportunity I’m given, whatever role I have, I just want to do my best at it.”

Limar also shared his thoughts on watching former teammates like Bo, Bucky, and Troy excel at the next level. “We were able to see their routine and how they attacked things here, and then seeing them now do it in the league, we kind of knew it would happen,” Limar said. “It’s awesome to see everything come full circle.”
